Friday, January 14, 2011


It's Friday so the construction crew is home for the weekend. They are almost done with their part. They put the foundation in today and have to let it dry completely before setting the house on it. Then they will back fill and put dirt up to but not covering the last block. They put close-able vents all around, interspersed with the block on the top layer. You close them in the winter and open them in the summer. They will be the right height to let the rattle snakes slither in to find a cool spot in the heat of summer. I can just see them, all gathered together, throwing themselves a party under the house. Hopefully we won't have to go under to fix something. Who am I kidding! Hopefully Pa won't have to do it. No way am I crawling under that house under any circumstance. Isn't that what we have men folk for? I'll take care of the inside and Pa can take care of the outside. With the exception of the Ditch Witch. I love driving that thing.
  Ok, you always hear about women doin' most of the talking and men are the silent type? Well, that's a lot of bull pucky. Mr Chatty, aka Pa talked up a storm last month and went 185 minutes over our allowed time. To the tune of an extra $85.00!!! Unfortunately I can't take it out of his allowance since he doesn't get one. For the record, neither do I. Every time he would call someone during the week, I would say, "Is that a Verizon number?" Can't it wait for the weekend? He never pays attention to what I say. The bottom line is, we upgraded our Verizon to 1400 minutes a month along with Friends and Family. So we get to call our favorite F&F who don't have Verizon, any time we want. I usually talk to my mom every Saturday and other than a rare call to my Vegas daughter, I rarely talk on the phone so this is mostly for Pa.
  I discovered a new author, for me anyway. Margaret Coel. She has written novels about a modern day priest who is stationed on the Arapaho reservation who solves different mysteries. It keeps me entertained. Another author I recently discovered is Harlen Coben who also writes mysteries. For light entertainment, Sophie Kinsella is a great writer. Light and funny and uplifting. I've read all her novels.
    I was so sad to hear John Dye from Touched by an Angel passed away. Only 47 and a major heart attack. You just never know when your time is up. Andrew was my favorite character on the show.
   Finally ventured off the ranch yesterday and went to Springerville to shop the sales at Safeway. I finally found a laundromat with machines big enough to wash my sleeping bag in. It sure smells better! It's a long way to go just to do laundry tho. About 40 miles away from us so if I do it again, I'll have to make it a sales day at Safeway. It only cost $1.00 to do a load of clothes in the smaller machines which are three times bigger than the ones in St. Johns.
    Any plans for the weekend? Pa is going to put in the pump that will increase our water pressure to the house. I will probably vacuum  and try to reorganize the motor home. We need to take somethings outside but basically everything we have in here, we need on a daily basis. We have things packed under the table, on half of the bench seats at the table, things are falling out of the cabinets, food is so jam packed in the fridge, you have to unpack it to find anything. I can't leave the canned goods outside because they will freeze. Can you tell I am starting to crave more space? I'm proud of myself that I haven't started whining. I know it will be worth it in the long run. I also know that we have too much stuff to go into our new house. Maybe we can have a garage sale this summer altho there aren't enough people out here yet to have anyone show up. Maybe some of it will make good firewood? Hello Pa? Surely there is something you could part with....NOT!

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful news on the house and it is looking great.
    If you put some screen over the vents it should keep the rodents out. If not, the snakes will keep the mice and squirrels down :-)
