Friday, April 1, 2011

Due to Circumstances Beyond Our Control...

Our solar panels have not been hooked up yet. Hopefully it will happen Monday. Nor have the finishing guys showed up to put in the kitchen floor or living room window. Our sales man says they will show up on Monday also. Yeah, right. We will see.
I had a request to show the hands toilet paper holder so I took pictures and here it is!
 Here is the hand towel holder. Someone will probably grab the towel and tear the hand off the wall.
 These are the hands of Pa, my mom and me that we had cast in wax. I painted them to look like they were the color of patina copper. Ok, maybe they look like dead hands. What do you think?
 Here is a side view of our solar panels. See that tree behind them? I made the comment to Pa the other day that it is my favorite tree on the entire ranch. It has such a nice shape. Ya know what he said? "Too bad I have to cut it down. It puts shade on the solar panels."  I said tough sh@$%#@. It isn't coming down. Maybe some one should have planned better. He could have put it in the same area but forward a bit and we wouldn't have this issue.
Here is the front view. I'm right proud of those puppies and the fact that we put them up ourselves in spite of the lousy directions they gave.
The weather was outstanding today. I took the dogs on a ride on the GrannyMobile. I put my two lilac bushes in their pots in the sun today. They are doing really great inspite of one of the dogs breaking off a little limb. My broccoli has sprouted in my table top green house! How exciting! I should take a picture of it and show you. It can't be planted outside until the middle of May which is good because we haven't even started a garden plot yet. We haven't decided where to put the garden yet anyway. Then we will have to fence it in so the cows won't trample it and then we have to put chicken wire around the bottom so the bunnies can't get in. And then we will have to put shade cloth over it so it won't burn. Good grief, maybe I should just go to the store and buy some frozen veggies and just forget it. Ha Ha, just kidding. It is April Fools ya know. That's about it for now!
  Oh, thanks to my sis in law, our mysterious bird that runs around on the ground has been identified. It is a Towhee. There are two kinds, the California Towhee and the Chaparral Towhee. I think ours is the California one from the looks of it. I should say them since there are two of them.

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