Monday, November 15, 2010

Purpose of this blog

     After 30 years of living in Las Vegas, my husband ( Pa Kettle) and me (Ma Kettle) are moving to 40 acres in NE Arizona. We will be living totally off the grid, 20 miles from town, 9 miles further down a dirt road. 80 miles from the nearest Walmart! This blog is mostly for family and friends but you are all invited to join us on our big adventure. Pa and Ma don't usually work well together so there might be some fireworks further down the road as we get the land cleared off and our manufactured home moved in. I am so excited to be leaving city life for the country life where it is so quiet, your ears hurt. After the lights of Vegas, our lights will be the zillions of stars in the night sky. We will be sharing our property with coyotes, range cattle, elk, antelope, rattle snakes, pack rats, mice, hawks, hummingbirds, and other birds and our 3 mini schnauzers and 1 Scottie dog. Down the road, we will have a garden and hopefully a horse or two and some chickens. I love chickens!!!! We are planning on having a flock of quail also. So come along with us and see how two retired city slickers make do in the great outdoors of Arizona.
    Posting may be spotty at first because we won't have internet for a couple of months but I will beg my friend, Daisy Mae and her hubby, Lil Abner to let me use their computer from time to time. They have been living at the "ranch",  for 5 years so they have lots of experience to pass on to us Newbies.
     We named our little ranch "Hell N' Gone Ranch" because people were always asking us where our property was and Pa Kettle would always answer, " Clear to Hell and gone" because it was so far away, in the middle of nowhere.
      We will be loading up the moving van on the 22nd and leaving on the 23rd. do you move 3 vehicles with only 2 people? We will have to drive back 7 hours to pick up our vehicle. Not much fun! I know the dogs are really going to be tired of traveling by the time we get back to Arizona.
     There are some things I will miss about Vegas. My daughter and her family, my favorite thrift store, Savers. The 99cent only store, Hobby Lobby, Liberio, our favorite Mexican grocery store. I won't be missing the traffic, people everywhere you look, the crime, the haze over the city, the noise, police sirens, ambulances, cars speeding down our street, lots of dogs barking, and so much more. Yep, I'm trading all that in for peace and quiet. There are so few people where we are going, we could run around in the nude and never be seen. Not that we will! Well, not very often anyway and definitely not in the winter.
    Until next time!


  1. You go girl! Give Pa Kettle a hug from me! Will look forward to future updates! Have a safe trip!

  2. A great start to your blog. I am looking forward to reading more.

  3. You can't beat country living wishing you all the best from rural Australia

  4. check with me for gardening stuff...altho their climate is a bit different down there
    and i'll be watching for your updates! be safe and go with God!
