Monday, December 10, 2012

I think winter has arrived!

    What makes me say that, you ask? It was 5 degrees outside at 7 this morning. Luckily our house is so well insulated that it was a whopping 62 degrees inside at the same time. Since it was so cold and windy yesterday, we had a fire in the stove most of the day and put the last log in at 8. So we don't think that's too bad to wake up to 62 in the morning.
   Since the high was only 40, today was a good day to stay inside and play in my craft room. Here it is 5 at night and I'm still in here, crafting away. I made a bunch of Christmas cards for Pa to send out and made three gift cards for some grandkids. Want to see them? Well here they are:
    Pa is in the kitchen making biscuits and gravy for dinner. I'd like a couple of scrambled eggs on the side, please. I've run out of ideas in the cooking department so it's nice to have a break. One of the downsides of living 60 miles from the nearest restaurant is that we don't go out to eat very often. We do have a fast food place or two in Saint Johns but it isn't the same as having a leisurely dinner, getting waited on and such.
   That's really it for now. I was so happy with how the cards turned out, I had to share them with you. So until next time!
    Oh, did you watch Bigfoot last night on TV? They featured people who have seen the hairy beast over near Payson. The Native Americans have seen Bigfoots for centuries. Anyway it was an interesting program. One of these days, they may actually get a picture of one.


  1. love your cards...I need that 'shirt' card...heehee where do can I get that? lol

  2. These are fabulous. Love how you tucked the snowman in the shirt pocket and the dots on the tie. Makes it so festive & of course the santa suits rock. All that talk about biscuits and gravy is making me want a midnight snack. ;)
