Thursday, February 21, 2013

The Storm of 2013

Our friend Wayne had a birthday this month so we invited him over for dinner to celebrate. I baked a cake and made "Mama Linda's Famous Tacos". I was going to fix steak but Wayne has that quite often so he really appreciated tacos. I bought him a gag gift and put it in a cracker box. He had a good time especially since he has no one to celebrate special days with. I really feel sorry for our bachelor friends so try to do something special for them on their birthdays or holidays.

My killer dog, Tilly has killed 9 rabbits so far this month. I don't even have to be in the same room with her to know that a bunny is in the garden. She has a different bark/whine for when they are just running around in the yard and when they are in the garden.
 After she catches it I let her bring the bunny in the house if it's not bleeding. She parades it around in front of the other dogs and growls to keep them away.
She's not the least bit interested in eating the bunnies she catches. She'll carry them around for awhile and then we play tug of war so I can throw them outside where the ravens eat them. Nine rabbits won't make much difference to the garden in the summer but at least we can keep the count down a bit.
This is a new bird coming to our birdbath. Have no idea what it is but it has long legs. We have a whole flock of them hanging around.

 We were expecting a winter storm yesterday. It was supposed to get here in the morning but didn't arrive until 4:30 in the afternoon. The wind was blowing like crazy so we had white out conditions. Luckily we prepared and had wood stacked up by the front door and Pa went to the well and got water.
 We really couldn't tell how much we got because there were patches of no snow and snow drifts to about 12 inches.
 Our neighbors came over to hunt this morning. You could see rabbits scattering everywhere. It's too bad they didn't come across the rabbit I threw out this morning. They don't seem to be very smart when it comes to hunting. They trot along with some distance between them hoping to flush out a rabbit.
 They must be eating well tho because they have beautiful coats and look very healthy.
 "Yo, Bro! Do ya see anything?"
 It is still gently snowing but I don't care cause I'm snug as a bug in a rug. After living 15 years in Illinois and surviving the winter of "78, I thought I'd never want to see snow again. Sure does make a big difference when ya don't have to go out in it. After 30 years living in Vegas, it's a nice change. I got so tired of seeing everything in different shades of brown in Vegas. Here, we have the trees that are green and in summer we get grass that is sometimes green and all sorts of wild flowers depending on the rain.
 Pa hates being cooped up in the house all day so he is anxious for the snow to go away. It sure would help if he had a hobby or at least would play a couple rounds of Scrabble with me. I have no one to play Scrabble with and my digital disk of Scrabble quit working. I set up my old computer and it has a game called Acropolis on it which is a word game so I enjoy playing it. I can't get past level 10 tho so I set up another player and am still stuck on level 10!
 When the sun comes out, the snow will be gone in no time except for in the front of the house where it is shady most of the day.
 The three stooges don't seem to mind the snow but they don't stay out in it long.
 More snowy scenes for your viewing pleasure. On the news last night, they said even Phoenix got snow. Show Low got a lot more snow than we did. And Flagstaff got even more.

I made Apple Crisp yesterday and Pa is supposed to make a chocolate meringue pie today if he ever gets inspired. He makes the best chocolate meringue pie! It's all from scratch too. He made dinner last night. It's a recipe he used to make when he went hunting. He calls it stuff and I call it hunter's stew. Every thing comes out of a can except for the hamburger and it is very warming and delicious with corn bread on the side. Gosh, that sounds so good I might go have some for lunch! 


  1. oh stay safe, ok...and be sure to have a very very happy birthday tomorrow...I wish I could come out and spend the day ... but it will have to wait til the 7th...oh and I have a little something for you lady...Happy birthday...early

  2. Hi Linda,

    Thank you for your comment on my blog the other day. I have something for you here:

