Tuesday, August 5, 2014


 BAD BLOGGER!  Yep, that's me. I just haven't had anything important to say that I thought you would be interested.
 I drove to Vegas, July 3rd to see my Vegas daughter and family and flew to Eugene, Oregon on July 4th.
For the last time ever, I flew on Allegiant Airlines. Taking off from Vegas, the plane was an hour and a half late. My bag was 5 pounds over and do you think they would give me a break since the plane was late? NO! So there went an extra $50.00. Flying out of Eugene to go back to Vegas, the plane was 4 HOURS LATE TAKING OFF!!!! Yes, I said 4 hours. I got the text right as I was dropped off at the airport. There isn't a thing within walking distance of the Eugene airport so a lot of unhappy fliers got to sit around and wait.
 One of the trips my mom, her hubs and I took was to Jacksonville, Oregon. It is a very old quaint town with little boutiques with very large prices. We walked around for a bit and found a little Mexican restaurant that didn't charge an arm and a leg for a taco and had lunch. We were going to take a bus tour but just missed it by minutes.
 Since it was the middle of the week, it wasn't too busy.
 I love old buildings!
Here's mom and Richard taking a break.
 We stopped at a park on the way home. It was so beautiful. After living with everything brown, it was so nice to see green, green, green.
This house was on the other side of the lake and we thought it would be a  nice place to live but the current residents weren't about to vacate just for us.
 Another day we went to the Oregon coast. It was one of those rare times when it was clear weather inland where my mom lives and clear weather at the coast. I haven't seen the ocean in so long!
 This is the Heceta Head Lighthouse sitting on the edge of the cliff. I think the white house might have been were the park service people lived.
 There are all kinds of coves along the coast where you can get out and dabble your toes in the water.
 Of course we didn't come prepared with a towel to dry our feet so we just absorbed the cool, moist air. My skin felt so alive!
 As I was busy snapping pictures, the battery in my camera went kaput. It is one of those you put in a thingy and plug into the wall so I couldn't run to the store and buy some double AA's.
 I grabbed my mom's camera and snapped to my hearts content until.......
 we went to the aquarium in Newport, Oregon

 Mom and Richard

 I took lots of pictures at the aquarium but got lots of flashback against the glass.

 Jelly fish anyone?
 I dare you to stick your finger in there.
 Cute sea otter
Right after this, the batteries in my mom's camera died so that was it for taking pictures. The rest of the time at mom's, we played Scrabble ( she won every time!) went for walks, ( she's 89 years old, walks 2 miles a day and still drives) hit the thrift stores and visited.
It was a great time of the year to go because the garden was planted but not producing so Pa had the watering duties. When I got back he said he thought something was wrong with the green beans . When I went out the next morning to water, there was a baby bunny nibbling on them. I chased it out of the garden and plugged up the hole where it got in. The garden is not doing well this year. Tom is already canning tomatoes and mine are barely producing. He said it is his best garden ever and for me, mine is the worst.
Dinner is calling my name....oh wait a minute, that's Pa calling my name telling me to fix dinner so I had better run for now. Sorry this is so short!